Checking in…

I’ve done some blog clean-up and removed obsolete articles, including ones with meager traffic (like next to none). The good news is that you won’t have to rummage through articles that don’t apply anymore and I don’t have to maintain any code repos for them. The bad news is that you may have arrived here from a search engine and ended up at a broken link.

My most popular subjects are legacy subjects, most likely due to the fact that there isn’t much information on the Internet. I, of course, left those online. If you’re here for an article that you remember (or hot-linked) because it has valuable information, drop me an email or post a comment here and I can turn it back on (I only put them in “Draft”).

The reason I started this crazy spring-cleaning task is due to a security message I received from Github that told me to upgrade Newtonsoft NuGet packages on about twenty of my code bases. Each of those repositories was locked because of this problem. I spent about two hours pulling code, upgrading NuGet packages, and pushing them back up. For some of the projects, I upgraded other NuGet packages until that became a larger chore. I also took the extra step of upgrading the .Net Core 2.0 projects to 2.2. I know that going to 3 or newer would have been torturous, so I didn’t even attempt it.

Speaking of .Net Core 2.0 and earlier. I have so much .Net 4.x out there that it’s crazy. I don’t have the time to convert any of that to newer .Net versions. At work, my team (which consists of three scrum teams) has been converting APIs to .Net 6. It’s a slow, tedious and methodical approach to upgrading and refactoring. Including Entity Framework. Fortunately, it’s all baked into our sprints so we can perform the necessary regression testing and make sure things are working. Most of our oldest APIs are 2.2 or 3.0. The old .Net and MVC stuff is considered legacy and we will not be touching it.

My company (Mountain America Credit Union) doesn’t have any or classic ASP, or any of that fun stuff. They have some really old legacy stuff, but the oldest stuff I work on is MVC. That’s probably the reason I’m still sane.

I suspect that this blog will shrink as technology becomes obsolete and everyone stops caring about them (i.e. virtually no traffic). I’ll review the posts about once a year and decide if they can stay. Posts like Programming the GAL22V10 will probably live forever (I seem to be the expert since I got that chip to work). Here’s an example of the current traffic:

I’ll be keeping the blog active for the foreseeable future. It still gets between 1,000 and 2,000 views a month:

4 thoughts on “Checking in…

  1. Hi Frank… I know your work well! I started at Credible in Aug 2018… survived the company buy-out and now work in billing with Ashley. I was doing some research on working with classic ASP (Yes, we still have it) and came across your blog haha.

  2. I work for a company that considers their MVC application “legacy.” We’re currently working with .Net 6 through .Net Core 3 with a system that is all APIs and a React front-end. No more VB and Classic ASP for me!

  3. Frank, I am repairing some legacy boards that are using the GAL22V10D-25LJ. Some of the outputs have been damaged and no longer have a proper output. Is it possible to copy the configuration from a good chip to program copies? Looks like I can still get the un-programmed chips, but I have neither the equipment or expertise to do the copy. Thanks, Jon Long

    • If you can get a GAL/PAL programmer, you can read the raw data from the programmed chip. Then use that to burn a new one. The PALASM program should be able to read an existing GAL as well, but you’ll have to experiment.

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