Monogame and Blender (Part 3)

It’s time to learn texture mapping!  I’m going to show the easiest example possible: Texture mapping a cube using Blender (version 2.79b). Before we get started, let’s create a new project in Monogame.  As before, just select a new Monogame Windows Project.  Then create a texture.  Your texture needs to be a square image that … Read moreMonogame and Blender (Part 3)

Monogame and Blender (Part 1)

One of my favorite gaming graphic library used to be XNA.  Microsoft discontinued the library but was ported to Monogame which is open-source and cross-platform.  If you’re interested in writing 3D games and you don’t know where to start, I’m going to show you how.  As a hobby, I’ve written 3D games in the past … Read moreMonogame and Blender (Part 1)

Unit Testing EF Data With Core 2.0

I’ve discussed using the in-memory database object for Entity Framework in the blog post titled: Dot Net Core In Memory Unit Testing Using xUnit. That was for .Net Core 1.1.  Now I’m going to show a larger example of the in-memory database object for .Net Core 2.0.  There is only one minor difference in the … Read moreUnit Testing EF Data With Core 2.0